
Intel X38 Express Chipset Cpu Support

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Qualified and Supported Intel® Processors for Intel® X38 Chipset Family unit-Based Server Products





The list of Intel® Processors provided are validated and qualified for use in Intel® X38 Chipset family-based server products. This includes Intel® Server Products manufactured with the Intel X38 Chipset. This includes the Intel® Server Board X38ML and Intel® Server Systems SR1520ML.

For your convenience, a hyperlink is available for each of the processors featured. These hyperlinks route you to the Product Specifications and Comparisons tool, providing yous with processor specifications and information.

Processors not listed on this page shouldn't exist used on these servers. Processors non listed on this page are considered unsupported for use with the Intel® Server Board X38ML and Intel® Server Systems SR1520ML. These unsupported processors shouldn't exist used with these servers.

Intel® Xeon® Processor 3300 Series:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Autobus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Enshroud
SLB8Z 3.00 GHz X3370 1333 MHz 45 nm E0 12MB 775 pin LGA 3
SLB8X 2.83 GHz X3360 1333 MHz 45 nm E0 12MB 775 pivot LGA iii
SLAWZ 2.83 GHz X3360 1333 MHz 45 nm C1 12MB 775 pin LGA 2
SLB8Y two.66 GHz X3350 1333 MHz 45 nm E0 12MB 775 pin LGA 3
SLAX2 2.66 GHz X3350 1333 MHz 45 nm C1 12MB 775 pin LGA 2
SLB6C 2.66 GHz X3330 1333 MHz 45 nm R0 6MB 775 pin LGA 3
SLB69 two.fifty GHz X3320 1333 MHz 45 nm R0 12MB 775 pivot LGA iii
SLAWF two.50 GHz X3320 1333 MHz 45 nm M1 6MB 775 pivot LGA ane

Intel® Xeon® Processor 3200 Series:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLACS 2.66 GHz X3230 1066 MHz 65 nm G0 8MB 775 pin LGA
SL9UP ii.40 GHz X3220 1066 MHz 65 nm B3 8MB 775 pivot PLGA
SLACT 2.40 GHz X3220 1066 MHz 65 nm G0 8MB 775 pivot LGA
SL9UQ 2.xiii GHz X3210 1066 MHz 65 nm B3 8MB 775 pin PLGA
SLACU 2.13 GHz X3210 1066 MHz 65 nm G0 8MB 775 pin LGA

Intel® Xeon® Processor 3100 Series:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Charabanc Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLB9D iii.16 GHz E3120 1333 MHz 45 nm E0 6MB 775 pin LGA iii
SLB9C three.00 GHz E3110 1333 MHz 45 nm E0 6MB 775 pin LGA 3
SLAPM 3.00 GHz E3110 1333 MHz 45 nm C0 6MB 775 pivot LGA 1

Intel® Xeon® Processor 3000 Series:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLAA2 iii.00 GHz 3085 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SLAA3 2.66 GHz 3075 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SLACC 2.66 GHz 3070 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9ZC 2.66 GHz 3070 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9U2 ii.66 GHz 3070 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pivot PLGA
SLAA9 ii.33 GHz 3065 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SLACD ii.twoscore GHz 3060 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pivot PLGA
SL9ZH 2.40 GHz 3060 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9TZ 2.twoscore GHz 3060 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SLABZ 2.13 GHz 3050 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9VS 2.13 GHz 3050 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9TY 2.13 GHz 3050 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SLAC2 one.86 GHz 3040 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9VT i.86 GHz 3040 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9TW 1.86 GHz 3040 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 2MB 775 pin PLGA

Intel® Pentium® processors:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLA8X ii.twenty GHz E2200 800 MHz 65 nm M0 1MB 775 pin LGA
SLA8Y two.00 GHz E2180 800 MHz 65 nm M0 1MB 775 pin LGA
SLA8Z 1.80 GHz E2160 800 MHz 65 nm M0 1MB 775 pin LGA
SLA3H 1.80 GHz E2160 800 MHz 65 nm L2 1MB 775 pivot LGA
SLA93 one.60 GHz E2140 800 MHz 65 nm M0 1MB 775 pin LGA
SLA3J 1.threescore GHz E2140 800 MHz 65 nm L2 1MB 775 pin LGA

Intel® Core™2 Quad Desktop processors:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Motorcoach Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLAWQ two.83 GHz Q9550 1333 MHz 45 nm C1 12MB 775 pin LGA 2
SLAWR 2.66 GHz Q9450 1333 MHz 45 nm C1 12MB 775 pin LGA two
SLAWE 2.l GHz Q9300 1333 MHz 45 nm M1 6MB 775 pivot LGA 1
SLACQ 2.40 GHz Q6700 1066 MHz 65 nm G0 8MB 775 pivot LGA
SLACR 2.40 GHz Q6600 1066 MHz 65 nm G0 8MB 775 pin LGA
SL9UM two.40 GHz Q6600 1066 MHz 65 nm B3 8MB 775 pin PLGA

Intel® Core™2 Farthermost processors: 5

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLAWM 3.20 GHz QX9770 1600 MHz 45 nm C1 12MB LGA775 two
SLAN3 3.00 GHz QX9650 1333 MHz 45 nm C0 12MB LGA775 1
SL9UL 2.66 GHz QX6700 1066 MHz 65 nm B3 8MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9S5 2.93 GHz X6800 1066 MHz 65 nm B3 4MB 775 pin PLGA

Intel® Cadre™two Duo Desktop processors:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache
SLAPK 3.16 GHz E8500 1333 MHz 45 nm C0 6MB LGA775 one
SLAPL 3.00 GHz E8400 1333 MHz 45 nm C0 6MB LGA775 1
SLA9U 3.00 GHz E6850 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB LGA775
SLAPP 2.66 GHz E8200 1333 MHz 45 nm C0 6MB LGA775 1
SLA9V two.66 GHz E6750 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB LGA775
SL9ZF 2.66 GHz E6700 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pivot PLGA
SL9S7 two.66 GHz E6700 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9ZL 2.40 GHz E6600 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pivot PLGA
SL9S8 2.40 GHz E6600 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin PLGA
SLA94 two.40 GHz E4600 800 MHz 65 nm M0 2MB 775 pin LGA
SLA9X ii.33 GHz E6850 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB LGA775
SLAA5 ii.33 GHz E6840 1333 MHz 65 nm G0 4MB LGA775
SLA95 2.twenty GHz E4500 800 MHz 65 nm M0 2MB 775 pin LGA
SLA4T two.13 GHz E6420 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pin LGA
SL9T9 2.thirteen GHz E6400 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9S9 2.13 GHz E6400 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 2MB 775 pivot PLGA
SLA3F two.00 GHz E4400 800 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin LGA
SLA98 2.00 GHz E4400 800 MHz 65 nm M0 2MB 775 pin LGA
SLA4U 1.86 GHz E6320 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 4MB 775 pivot LGA
SL9TA 1.86 GHz E6300 1066 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9SA ane.86 GHz E6300 1066 MHz 65 nm B2 2MB 775 pin PLGA
SL9TB 1.fourscore GHz E4300 800 MHz 65 nm L2 2MB 775 pivot PLGA

Intel® Celeron® Processor 400 sequence:

sSpec# CPU Speed CPU
Bus Speed Mfg-
Stepping Cache

2.00 GHz

440 800 MHz

65 nm

A1 512 KB 775pin LGA
SL9XN 1.80 GHz 430 800 MHz

65 nm

A1 512 KB 775pin LGA
SL9XP 1.60 GHz 420 800 MHz

65 nm

A1 512 KB 775pin LGA
  1. Support for these processors requires BIOS revision R0033 or college.
  2. Support for these processors requires BIOS revision R0039 or college.
  3. Back up for these processors requires BIOS revision R0044 or college.

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